What Localization Services Can Offer

How a Localization Agency Works

When we talk about translation and localization, we need to look at it as a two-step process. While the former involves translating words or text into another language, content localization is more about adapting the content to suit a certain culture or locality. Using a localization agency in the UK will help you to zone in and target specific groups of people or communities – an approach which can prove highly valuable in terms of client growth and retention.

Content Localization and Adaptation

Before choosing from the range of content adaptation services on the market, it is useful to first know what your target audience is – and how you plan to address them.

Website Localization

Using website localization services from a website localization translation agency can help mould your company message, making it speak directly to the clients that matter.

Software Localization

Employ software localization as part of your business’ procedure to enhance the user experience of your customers, while ensuring quality assurance at the same time.

E-learning Localization

Multilingual localization and adaptation forms an integral part of ensuring that training content is better suited to the specific culture and language of trainees and employees.

Multimedia Localization

Adjusting videos and other interactive content, including using graphic design localization, is a good way to engage your audience on a truly global scale.


What is localization?

It primarily involves the adaptation of content and design to meet the needs of a specific location, culture, or target audience by qualified language experts with many years of experience in the field.

Why is localization important?

It demonstrates to the customer(s) that you are committed to their needs and willing to pay extra attention to their culture or locality.

What are translation and localization services?

When we talk about a translation and localization service in UK terms, we are referring to professionals who help businesses get their message across in the language of their customers.

What are the benefits of localization?

It goes another step further than translation, as it overcomes regional barriers, builds brand loyalty, promotes business integrity, and can increase sales. Also, linguistically localization can make a company’s content more accessible and culturally engaging.

What industries use localization strategy?

Most industries around the world feature individual localization strategies, particularly businesses that operate in specific cultural areas or on a global scale. Localization is usually employed by companies that are consciously aware of the needs of their customer base.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of localization?

Localization has many advantages, ranging from reputation growth, company communication, to the impact on sales numbers and improved client-business understanding. One disadvantage is not choosing the right localization service for your own particular business needs.

What are the main elements of localization?

The essential elements of localization include text content, layout, graphics and multimedia, measurement units, number, date and address formats, fonts and character sets, and language script. To accommodate all these elements without hassle into their infrastructure, localization engineers use Unicode-UTF8, a versatile binary encoding system that allows for flexible formatting according to language.

What are the key elements of a proper localization quality framework?

Localization quality assurance (LQA) is a complex, multi-step process that involves:

  • Ensuring that idiomatic phrases and cultural references are transcreated, not directly translated from the source language.
  • Making sure that graphics and visuals meet the cultural expectations of the local audience.
  • Carefully analysing the tone of voice is appropriate for the target audience.
  • Granularly checking grammar, spelling, style and punctuation.
  • Adapting SEO for local search engines.

How many types of localization are there?

There are at least 8 types of localization, including: marketing localization (which, in turn, breaks down to website localization, content marketing localization, SEO localization, mobile app localization, ASO localization, etc.), software localization, eLearning localization, video game localization, iGaming localization, multimedia localization, eCommerce localization, advertising localization, and more.

What is the difference between localization and globalization?

Localization and globalization are often confused as the terms are used interchangeably, but there is a fundamental difference between them. While localization focuses on adapting content (e.g., website, product information, technical specifications, etc.) and design elements (e.g., graphics, imagery, colour scheme) to the cultural expectations of a certain locale, globalization aims to deliver a meaningful experience to users everywhere. For example, a globalized website is one that supports multiple languages and integrates different design and visual elements appealing to each target audience.